Friday, 25 January 2013

Super Anansi Class

On Friday something amazing happened...
The whole of Anansi Class amazingly disappeared and 22 Superheroes appeared in their place!

Superheroes Assemble!

It's some kind of Superbearman...?

Flying around the hall

Superhero Pose

Super Jones, Super Chetcuti, and Cat Baron

AH even had a sidekick!

Monday, 21 January 2013

School is closed


Due to the bad weather today school is closed.

Why don't you find out how deep the snow is.  Where I live we have 4cm of snow (but I don't live in Walkley)

When you are back in the house and warm here are a few superhero creators for you to play with!

If you make a hero, why don't you draw a picture of them so I can put it on our Working Wall!

I hope everybody stays safe today!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

That Poetry Bloke

Today we had "That Poetry Bloke" Craig Bradley in our school!

Hopefully some of the other blogs will put some pictures or videos up of him performing in our school, but here is a video from his website


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

What is in our Magic Room?

During the snow shower on Monday, something amazing happened...

Mr Butler (our new caretaker) found a small black bag in our classroom.  Some said it was a PE Bag.  Others said it looked a little bit like a spider. It was also said it looked a little like a sleeping bag stuff sack, but we quickly decided it couldn't possibly be that...

What type of person would lose something this precious?

Is it a bird?

Dear Parents,

As you may know, the Anansi's are doing lots of learning about Superheroes this term.
We have chosen Spiderman as the main superhero, as he is a little bit like Anansi's cousin (we think)

Do you have any rags, or materials that we can use to cut up and make costumes out of.  I am going to go the charity shops this weekend, but if you have any old colourful clothes we would love to have them!

We need material to make capes, masks, cloaks, capes as well as arm and leg bands.

Thanks in advance!

Anansi Class

Monday, 14 January 2013



What an exciting week. We have had alot of safe fun in the snow.  I'm so sorry we haven't blogged, but we are back and hopefully, as long as nothing breaks, we will be blogging every day!

Monday, 7 January 2013


Happy New Year Anansi Class.

We have a really exciting topic this term, but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet.  I wonder if you can guess!

We had a really nice day back at school today. Everyone settled in brilliantly!

Keep an eye on the blog for news about our topic!

Welcome back everyone.

P.S PE is still on Wednesdays!