Every term we will publish one big piece of writing on our blog so readers can see how amazing our writing is.
This term's writing is a piece that was similar to "On the way home." The only rule was it couldn't be exactly the same as it. Everyone's work is here except for OA and LC which we will publish on Monday.
Please let us know what you think of our stories!
Please let us know what you think of our stories!
One day I was walking home from school when I met Mr Murphy and I said look at my bad knee. What happened said Mr Murphy. Well I saw a Zombie and big mean woodcutter came and chopped his head of but he also chopped me, and that's how I got a bad knee. Oh No! said Mr Murphy. Then I went home and Mum said are you ok? By RCW Year 1
On the way home I saw someone and said Look at my bad knee How did you do it said Clare. A wolf came and got me and dropped me and that's how I got my bad Knee. Then I saw M. Look at my bad knee said M.Then I told my Mum the truth. I fell of the slide. By TG Year 2
Once Clare had a bad leg and she saw her friend M. She said how did you do that? I was walking across the road to the shops and there was a slithery snake. The snake caught her and grabbed her and then dropped her, and that's how I got a bad knee. by NM Year 2.
I saw a snake and poked him and ran away. By KS Year 1
I saw a blue, big crocodile. It made me scared so I ran. LDR Year 1
Well a big dinosaur threw me when I was walking past it, and I saw my friend J. SK Year 1
One day F had a bad knee and went back home. On the way home F met M and F said look at my bad knee. How did you do that? Said M. Well, there was a witch and she had a bag and in the bag was a spider that bit me knee and that's how I got a bad knee. Then F met E and said, look at my bad knee! How did you do that? Well, there was a Wolf and the Wolf wants me for tea. I got some scissors and chopped his head off and that's how I got my bad knee. When I got home I went back and said to my Mum can I have a plaster and she said yes. By FS Year 2
Well, a dinosaur picked me up and an axe man chopped his leg off, and that's how I got my bad knee. By JS Year 2.
Well, a big Giant got me, and took me for his tea and so I punched him on the nose and he kicked me, and I fell and that's how I got my bad knee. Then there was a big snake sitting in a tree, and he went around my body, so I tickled him and he laughed, and I fell, and that's how I got my bad knee. By AA Year 2
Well, I was going to the park when a snow fox got me. By GF Year 1
Well I went home from the park when a Wolf got me. By KH Year 1
E was walking down the street and a gigantic, enormous slithery snake grabbed me with his tail and threw me down on the floor. I landed on my knee and that's how I got my bad knee. Then a big bad wolf almost took me home but luckily I had a snake so I put it in his mouth without him noticing. So he grabbed his hands around me and threw me down onto the ground, and that's how I got a bad knee. So when I got home I told the truth, I fell of a fireman's pole. By ES Year 1
Well, a fox ate me. By AH Year 1
J was walking home she had a bad head. On the way home she met her friend M. Look at my bad knee, how did you do that? said M. Well a witch put me in a bag with spiders in there and a spider bit me. That's how I got my bad head. She was almost there and then she got home. She told her mum the truth, that she fell on the slide. Her Mum said, lets put a bandage on your leg, then the bandage fell off. By JJ Year 1
Well, a crocodile came to bite me. By CT Year 1.
One day, Jafjaf hurt his thumb. He said ouch it hurts. He stopped at R. R said What happened? Well, a ninja threw a sword at me and R said Are you ok? Yes said JafJaf. JafJaf stopped at Y. Y said are you ok? well a wizard hurt me with his magic. By RF Year 2.
I saw a big shark. Then a snake in the water. I can catch them. By SA Year 1
On the way home C fell over and she went to tell her Mum but then she met her friend T. Look at my bad knee said M. How did you do that said T. Well, said M, a bit Giant pushed me and fell over that's how I got my bad knee!. Then M saw Mr Murphy. Look at my bad knee said M. How did you do that? Said Mr Murphy. Well a big bad wold tried to eat me and a bird scared it, and that's how I got my bad knee. Then M saw S. Look at my bad knee. How did you do that? Well, said M, A big black snake with sharp sharp teeth came and bit me, and that's how I got my bad knee. Oh my gosh! said S. Then M saw F. Look at my bad knee. How did you do that? Well, said F, E came and pushed me over, and that's how I got my bad knee. Oh no said F. Then M went home and told her Mum the truth. I fell off the swing. by MT Year 2
Well I was going back home when there was a Witch. That's how I got my bad Knee. By FS Year 1
R had grazed her knee, so she set off to show her Dad. On the way home she met her teacher, Mr Murphy. "Look at my bad knee!" She said. "How did you do that?" asked Mr Murphy. "Well a gigantic green alligator with sharp teeth tried to gobble me up but I kicked its jaw and it bit my knee and that's how I got a bad knee. "Wow!" said Mr Murphy. R got home and told her dad. "what happened? asked Dad. Well, I was playing in the playground and I fell over". Said Ruby. "Can I have a plaster Dad?" By RN Year 2
Ben10 was walking home when he got attacked. An alien got him. By TS Year 1.
Well, when I was sleeping I woke up and scratched my leg. That's how I hurt my leg. By RA Year 1
One day M was walking home and on the way she met S. Look at my bad elbow said M. Gosh said S, how did you do that. Well I was walking past some blue deep water and wrapped its green slimy tale around my legs and then I smacked it on the head and it hurt so much he dropped me and I tripped over a rrock and I crashed to the ground and that's how I got my bad elbow. Gosh said S. Next M met E and said, look at my bad elbow how did you do that? Well I was running in the woods and there was a giant snake. I wasn't looking so went to sit down. I put my arm down on the bench and a snake bit it. M went home and told her mum the truth, that she fell off a Merry go Round. By MW Year 1
These are FABULOUS! Keep up the great work! (RN's mum)