Tuesday, 16 April 2013

If you were going to send a question to the other side of the word...

If you were going to send a question to the other side of the word...

What would you ask?

The best question I heard today was "If you live in NEW Zealand, what happened to OLD Zealand???"

Please comment to leave your question below?


  1. Addison (age 5) said, "There is NO Old Zealand!"

    We found this answer on the Internet - maybe it will help make our country name make a bit more sense ... http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090505030833AAP955A

  2. Class 5 and Mrs Palmer22 April 2013 at 10:45

    Hello Year 1 and 2,

    We are looking forward to looking at your blog this week.


    Class 5 Northburn Primary School

  3. Room B6 will be checking in too, even thought it's our holidays! Mrs P is still blogging, and the students will be looking from home. Yay for Quadblogging!

  4. Neha from (Room B6) says "Old Zealand is broken!" :)

    and is curious to know What you guys are doing?



We love to hear from people interested in our school, and our children want to know what you think of their work!

However, any comments will be moderated by the staff at Walkley Primary School before they are uploaded on our Blog, so it might take a little while before we publish them. Please be patient and thankyou for commenting!

Walkley Primary School.