Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Reptile Rescue Service! Out on a job!

HS says " Today we went on a Dinosaur Hunt"

CB says "We had a great adventure"

AA says "Today we found lots of evidence about Dinosaurs when we explored in school"

YF says "We went on a dinosaur as the Reptile Rescue Service and there was an A team and a Z team.  We found lots of evidence for proof of the dinosaur. I even told Mrs Sian and Mrs Sian and Mrs Prochazka was there too."

HQ says "I think I saw a Dinosaur smash all the coats"

NS  says " I found some Dinosaur tracks on the floor " (I am also great at Maths (Mr Murphy says this)

EM and EB says " We went on a Dinosaur hunt to find clues and found lots of clues. This Dinosaur must have made a really big mess"


  1. Amazing evidence of dinosaurs - good hunting Team A and Team Z

  2. Enough mess for a whole herd of dinosaurs!



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