Monday, 21 October 2013

What's the time Mr Murphy?!?

Hello everyone.

This week we are learning about time and clocks.

While we are learning, have a go at these games!

Blue and Green Groups go on this game

Red and Yellow Groups go on this game

Anansi Base Fancy Dress

Wow! Don't we look fantastic!  Here are our costumes for the grand opening of the School Library!

Mr Murphy

A Funny Bones Skeleton

Alice before she goes to wonderland





Red Power Ranger

A Cat

A Scary Pirate

Captain America

Iron Man

A Bird

A Cat

Hannah from Gorilla



A boy!

Eating our Party Food

Friday, 18 October 2013

Dear World - Questions about money

Red and Green group have been working hard with their money this week.

"What do you buy with you money?"
From EB

"Do you have £100 pounds?"
From RM

"If 6 p is 6 pence, why isn't £6 pounds six?"
From SJ

"What does money look like in America?"
From NS

"Does your money look different? Ourshas the queens head on it!
From EM

"Do you put your money in your wallet, or purse, or piggy bank?
From HQ

Monday, 14 October 2013

Week 7: Money and Shops

This week we will be learning and exploring all about money and shops!

By the end of this week we MUST be able to recognise all of the coins from 1p to £2.  You might even be able to recognise some of the paper money too!

Have a look at this game (PC only)

Friday, 11 October 2013

Week 6 (again): Stickman, CWR and Making Anansi

A stuck man? A STUCK MAN? Who could it be?

We have created some excellent pieces of writing that will stay in our Red Writing Books until we leave in Year 6.  Let us know what you think by commenting! If you can't remember how to comment please look here
Stick Man 2 by CB

Stick Man 2 by SA

Stick Man 2 by FA

Stick Man 2 by RM

Stick Man 2 by KH

Stick Man 2 by EM

Hello everyone.  Today we earned our second Class Wide Reward Party.  We all voted and decided to have ice pops (even though it is so cold outside and watch a DVD.  Mr Murphy brought his favourite cartoon, The Jungle Book, in and we all sang long and enjoyed the movie.  We had a great time!

Also our GIANT Anansi is starting to take shape, with Red and Blue groups taking turns to paint Anansi, as well as making interesting hand print characters.  We hope you like our photos!

Did you know that in Anansi Class, Mr Murphy and Mrs Goldsmith don't take the photos.  We use our iPads and take photos ourselves!

Dear World 2

Dear world,

Today Yellow and Green groups get a chance to ask the world some questions.

We would really REALLY like to hear from you.

1) What is your favourite colour? from CB

2) What is your favourite Dinosaur? from HQ

3)What is your favourite car? AA

4) What happens when a volcano erupts? YF

5) What is your favourite sport? HS

6) What is your favourite type of plane? RM

7) What is your favourite motorbike? AK

8)What is your favourite food? CV

 9) What is your favourite game? AW

Monday, 7 October 2013

Week 6: Stick Man oh Stick Man!

A small break from learning about Shops this week, as everyone in Key Stage 1 will begin to do some writing about Julia Donaldson's Stick Man.  You can watch and listen to the author read the story here:

Can you remember my favourite bit? One Class Wide Reward if you comment below what it is!

This week we have started to make our on version of Stick Man.  What else happens to that silly Stickman?  Come back later in the week to see how we did!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Week 5 Anansi Prints

It has been a much shorter week, with school having a staff training day on Monday and the teacher strike on Tuesday.  We all missed you so much, and had a lovely rest of the week.

On Wednesday we practised improving our sentences about shops.  I wonder why we are doing that?  We must be doing something amazing next week....

On Thursday we started to work on our SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of Learning).  It will have a secret code.  We all agreed that secrets are sometimes nice and sometimes nasty, so if you wanted to tell people you could.

On Friday we carried on with our spellings, big maths, as well as having a go on the blogs and doing some creative work with Mrs Goldsmith.  Can you tell what our hand prints are???

ths and did some more work in the ICT suite.

Well done Anansis!