Friday, 4 October 2013

Week 5 Anansi Prints

It has been a much shorter week, with school having a staff training day on Monday and the teacher strike on Tuesday.  We all missed you so much, and had a lovely rest of the week.

On Wednesday we practised improving our sentences about shops.  I wonder why we are doing that?  We must be doing something amazing next week....

On Thursday we started to work on our SEAL (Social Emotional Aspects of Learning).  It will have a secret code.  We all agreed that secrets are sometimes nice and sometimes nasty, so if you wanted to tell people you could.

On Friday we carried on with our spellings, big maths, as well as having a go on the blogs and doing some creative work with Mrs Goldsmith.  Can you tell what our hand prints are???

ths and did some more work in the ICT suite.

Well done Anansis!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Anansi's your handprint paintings look fantastic!



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