Thursday, 3 October 2013


Now that Read Write Inc is in full flow, I can start to tell you about STAR group!

STAR group consists of all the children who know all of their sounds and blends, and can read phonetically.  When you have graduated from RWI you spend the mornings with the STARs.

Our aim is for all Year 2s to be in Star Group, however we have a few Year 1s who are nearly ready.

At the moment we have 6 Gruffalos and 1 Anansi but we are hoping more will join soon.

The work is hard but the satisfaction in creating a high quality piece of work is immense.

(pics to follow)

Over the last few weeks we have done lots of work on the Greek myth of Icarus.  Here are our finished iPad animations.  We hope you enjoy them!

Mr Murphy and STAR group


  1. Brilliant animations Star Group - well done!

  2. I really enjoyed your animations. Well done Star Group!



We love to hear from people interested in our school, and our children want to know what you think of their work!

However, any comments will be moderated by the staff at Walkley Primary School before they are uploaded on our Blog, so it might take a little while before we publish them. Please be patient and thankyou for commenting!

Walkley Primary School.